About Us

Reparations Media is a media education and production organization with a mission to provide quality information through multi-media productions regarding issues affecting marginalized and communities of color across the United States and globally.

A central tenet to our work is the practice of equity, inclusivity and cultural dexterity as journalistic best practices.  We provide media trainings, produce in-depth reporting across media platforms, and host events and discussions as vehicles to educate the public about issues important to their communities and inspire actions for justice and social change.

“Reparations, simply defined, means making amends for wrongs and injuries. While monetary compensation is but one form, so too is media – if applied more intentionally as a vehicle for equity and inclusivity, and a tool for social change. Our work shines a light on actions for justice that repair and restore human rights and dignity, while exposing the systems and biased narratives that support inequities and harm.”

— Judith McCray, Founding Executive Director of Reparations Media

Learn more about our work.